Our morning services are at Deri View School at 10:30am, and we have a smaller, more informal service at 6pm at the Cornerstone Centre, at 2-3 Horsington’s Yard. There is a welcome to everyone, whatever your age or background.

What happens at a typical morning service?
There is a mixture of songs, prayers, interviews, children’s talks and a sermon from the pastor or preacher, usually lasting for 30 minutes or so. Don’t worry if you have never been to church before and don’t know any of the songs, feel free to join in, or just listen. Some songs are old hymns, but many are more modern.

I have children – can they come?
We have creche and children’s groups for children aged 0-16 most weeks. The children and young people leave part-way through the service, but on some weeks the older children (age 10+) stay in for the whole service. Have a look at the notice sheet on the way in, which will tell you what’s happening that day, or check our calendar.

All our helpers have DBS checks and have been through our safeguarding processes and training. We also have occasional all-age services, where there are no children’s groups, but there is a shorter, more child-friendly style of service. Again – check the calendar for when these are happening.

I’m new to church – how do I know what to do?
There is a Welcome Desk as soon as you arrive, where someone will be able to explain what goes on and where to sit. We serve teas, coffees, squash and biscuits after our morning service – please feel free to stay and chat!

Where do you hold your services?
Unlike most churches, we do not have our own building for our Sunday services. We meet at Deri View Primary School in Abergavenny (now officially known as King Henry VIII 3-19 School Primary Site). There is a large car park a very short distance up the road from the school, which is well signposted. There is also reserved disabled parking and access inside the school gates.

Once you arrive, enter through the main school reception area and we will be there to welcome you.

Deri View Primary School, Llywnu Lane, Abergavenny, NP7 6AR