An update from the Kings in Tanzania – June 2022

We are in Mbeya, Tanzania, and staying at the Olive Branch (, which is run by a friend of ours; it’s a home for bringing up children from various difficult or impossible family situations. There are about 30 children there at the moment, all making a single family!

We started work proper on Monday. Dan was in the Translation office, he is working with a translation team of the Bungu language, and we are translating the second half of Matthew’s Gospel. Because a lot of prior prep work was done over the last weeks from UK, it means we can get through about 2 chapters per day. Please pray for wisdom in all decisions and for the Bungu translators’ energy and basic home needs.

Translating Matthew into Bungu

Today (Tues) Rachel is going out to look at a disabilites and care for older adults programme in one of the outlying villages, to give advice and help them set up the programme as effectively as possible.

Aaron and Lydia have been going to the olive branch’s new school. This was a very different experience for them, so please pray that they enjoy it!

Lydia off to school

Yesterday ended with extra fun (!) – I was driving our very ancient battered landrover home after work and the clutch completely died. We had to get the car towed away – which here means finding a helpful friend with a decent car, buying a piece of questionable Chinese rope from the nearest shop, tying the two together and setting off in the dark through the chaos of the streets. Not an experience to be tried too often! But thankfully we go to the garage safely. Please pray for repairs in the next few days.

Our car (now broken down!)

We have a whatsapp group for regular updates and prayer needs. Please ask Jonathan if you’d like to be added (it’ll just be for the duration of this trip, so you won’t be stuck on it forever!).

Every blessing
Dan & Rachel, with Aaron and Lydia