There’s no Go Wild in December, but instead, we have a very exciting Christmas event in Linda Vista Gardens, check out the information below…

What is Go Wild?
Go Wild! is an outdoor kids club run by Cornerstone Church Abergavenny for children aged 0-10. Our aim is to use the great outdoors to introduce and explore an even greater God.
When is it?
Every first Saturday of the month, with a break over the summer and in the colder winter months! It starts at 10am and usually runs until about 11.00am, but children are welcome to stay and run about as much as they like at the end!
Who can come?
Anyone aged 0-10! There are separate, age appropriate activities for the under 4s and over 4s. We ask that children are accompanied by an adult, as we meet in an open space, with all the normal hazards associated with being outdoors. Adults are very welcome to join in the fun, or chat and socialise with other parents and guardians while watching their kids.
What happens at Go Wild?
We usually start off with some outdoor activities, (like building a shelter, finding buried treasure, making a water purifier) followed by a Bible-based short talk on a theme related to the activity. The under 4s learn a song related to their theme and also get a chance to get their hands dirty with an activity, such as building a shelter for teddies in the woods, or making a mud pie.
Plus there’s always time for kids to do what they love best – running round in the fresh air!
What does it cost?
Nothing! It’s free.
Do I need to book?
It’s not necessary to book but it is sometimes useful for our leaders to know who’s coming and what age they are, so they can plan the activities. You can book through our website, at the top of this page. Booking opens about a week before.
Want to know more?
Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for updates and photos. Or send us a message on our Contact Page if you have any questions.
Where is it?
It takes place at the Memorial Garden in Castle Meadows, Abergavenny. If you’re not sure where that is, take a look at the map below. We’re at the bottom of the bumpy path that leads down to Castle Meadows from Abergavenny Castle. The nearest parking is on Castle Street.
If you use what3words, you can find the entrance at

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.