Cornerstone Crèche: A parents guide!
The crèche is a friendly, safe, supervised session where you can leave your child for the duration of the sermon. It caters for all children aged 0-4 (pre-school) and is based in the Acorn Centre.
- Please fill out a consent form for your child before you take them to creche – this is so we can keep an accurate register for every session, for safeguarding reasons. Consent forms will be available on the Welcome Desk as you arrive at church.
- You are invited to take your child to the Acorn Centre for crèche when the older children leave for Sunday school (before the start of the sermon) and then return to the service
- We ask that parents take their child to the toilet or provide a nappy change prior to dropping them off as the crèche leaders are unable to assist with toileting. If needed during the crèche session, the leaders will contact the parents to come and assist. Please speak to the leaders if you have any concerns about your child’s toileting needs.
- We also ask that parents keep their phones on during the sermon so that they are contactable if needed
- If you would like to/if you need to accompany your child during crèche you are welcome to stay and you will also need to be registered as present for the session
- If parents who attend regularly would like to volunteer to be on the crèche rota then please speak to Anthea Price (creche coordinator) for more information
- The session will include activities, songs, stories and a snack: please speak to the leaders if your child has any allergies or dietary requirements
We want the crèche to be a fun, friendly place where even the youngest children can learn about God’s amazing love for them – we welcome your feedback and prayerful support as we seek to do this.