As people can no longer meet in groups and many of us are self-isolating, we want to encourage community life that can break down barriers. For those who have been isolated we will implement a 3 pronged approach. Obviously, much of this will happen organically. The church is full of loving people who take initiative. So many of you have been phoning around and offering help already. It is wonderful to see.
But, will also have supplemental organised support for the isolated:
Firstly, the elders and staff will contact them in order to pray and share the Word. We will aim to do that weekly.
Secondly, we are asking community groups to continue via phone and the internet, and where possible, via walks out in the open. If you are not in a community group, let me know, and I will get you ‘adopted’ by one.
Thirdly, the Welcome Team will move from being in the Centre to phoning folk who are home. Again, they will simply want to encourage you and check you are ok.
The key for this to work is communication. Please, please let me know if someone has self-isolated. Also, if someone does get left out, please tell us.
So, how will we make sure you know what is going on? We will continue to post social media updates, send out emails, and when you are phoned by an elder, we can let you know anything you would like to know. We will keep the website updated with information and content.
Again, the key is for 2 way communication: let us know if you self-isolating, struggling, or you know someone who is. I hope this has encouraged you to see that we can continue as church. We can love one another even when we can’t be in the same room.
See the document below for detailed information.
You can contact us via email, phone of even via the website here.