Climate change resources for churches.
Resourcing for the Journey (Watering Hole with A Rocha 05.09.21)
- Recognise that it is a journey – both for your church and personally
Eco Church
- Eco Church designed to be a tool for the journey – how to use it as such
- Eco Church, plus their resources, plus Eco Church case studies and webinars from the CofE.
- Eco Dioceses page on A Rocha website and on CofE website
- Support spreadsheet and with DAC comments (see left-hand column of page)
- A Rocha conferences on Eco Church
Diocesan Help
- God’s Green Fingers newsletter c.5 times a year & Facebook
- Contact point is , occasional surgeries will be run
Net Zero
- The CofE net zero carbon church landing page
- The CofE practical path to net zero – including links to a two-page summary guidance note and a self-guided checklist any church can use
- Case studies
- Webinars – including heating, lighting, solar panels, EV car charging, and more
- Heating – including new case studies
- Energy efficiency – created by the DEO Energy Group
- Conference video of Matt Fulford talking about St Michael and all Angles, Britain’s first Net Zero Carbon church
- Video on the Results from the church energy audits
- Journey to Net Zero – introduction to net zero from the The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) (Baptists, Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church)
- Church of England Declaration by General Synod in February and Update paper to General Synod – the final net zero definition is attached to this as an appendix
Carbon footprint
- CofE churches – Energy Footprint Tool – to be completed now for 2020
- Any churches – 360Carbon – includes energy, transport, food, procurement, and more
Buildings advice
- Historic England guidance and webinar programme
- SPAB – Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings
- For CofE churches, your DAC
- Find a Building Services Engineer, e.g. for heating guidance, from the CIBSE Directory
- Find an accredited installer for solar panels
- CofE grants funding guide from Parish Resources
- And a suite for “how to” guides from Parish Resources.
- Community Energy England funding opportunities
- For local grants, find out whether you have a local CVS (Council for Voluntary Services). If so, they generally have a grants directory. Also contact the sustainability or community engagement officer at your local authority
- Two CofE webinars on ‘green’ fundraising for environmental projects are coming up in September
- Small grants to take part in Great Big Green Week (September 18-26) with the Climate Coalition
- Useful carbon footprint calculator from Climate Stewards
- LiftShare UK
- OZEV – grants for EV car charging posts
- EV charging posts Zap Map
- (Plus the church webinar programme – above – includes a webinar on EV car charging.)
- For the keen cyclist – the cathedral cycle route challenge
Land and nature
- Land and nature webinar programme
- Churches Count on Nature nature survey of your churchyard 5-13 June 2021
- Caring for God’s Acre free resources – including starter pack which they can post you
- CofE Trees page
- Find your local Wildlife Trust, who are often very open to joint working to support community action
- Wild About Gardens scroll down for booklets on different species and on ponds
- Find your Local Environmental Records Centre for help with species identification and recording
Framework for church action
- The climate emergency toolkit contains links to many other resources
Frameworks for individual / household action
- Creation Care, a framework for households which congregations can follow together
- Count us in – 16 high impact steps which individuals can take to cut carbon
- WWF Footprint Calculator – pretty simple footprint tool, and an informative process
Frameworks for schools and youth
- For schools: resources from Let’s Go Zero, Eco Schools, Christian Aid, and PECT
- For youth engagement: resources from Tearfund, Christian Aid, and ACEN
Young People, The Church and Climate Change (Burning the house down)
- Powerful video plea from young people – 4 mins
- Research Report by Tearfund and Youthscape
- Huge mass of resources focused on those for young people
Worship and music
- Many resources have been compiled by Climate Sunday and by Christian Concern for One World
- Creation-themed liturgy A Time for Creation
- Liturgy for the Agricultural Year
- Doxecology by Resound worship
- Sermon resources at Sustainable Preaching and Greening the Lectionary
- Bishop Olivia of Reading’s theological reflections (+Olivia chairs the Oxford net zero taskforce)
- A Rocha International – YouTube channel – search for Dave Bookless New Wine talks NL 2020
Outside Worship & Biodiversity
- Outdoor worship guidance page
- Worship in the Woods resource pack for outside worship by Engage Worship
- State of Nature report 2019a one-page summary info-graphic, the report for England & the full report
- Bio-diversity advice from CoE
- Caring for Gods Acre resource pack
- Bats in Churches project
- Devon churches green action (scroll down for guidance notes)
- Children’s Gods Acre activity pack
- Faiths for Forests
- CofE Biodiversity page
- Climate Sunday – the main focus for churches in the run up to COP26 in Glasgow
- Youth Relay – YCCN organised relay from the G7 in Cornwall to COP26 in Glasgow
- Make COP Count – the coalition of faith groups with the advocacy calls from COP
Campaigns by partner organisations
- The Climate Coalition Declaration
- Christian Aid, Tearfund and CAFOD hosting a year of prayer for the climate
Church of England Environment Programme
Church of England buildings resources
- Joint statement by the buildings leadership (CBC and CFCE)
- Gloucester DAC environmental policy an example, Salisbury updated one coming soon
- Updated QI (quinquennial inspection) guidance including more on the environment
Procurement (Church of England Parish Buying, other denominations have Church Buying)
- Green energy basket
- Energy audits (currently closed, likely to reopen after the summer)
- LED lighting
- Solar panels
- – for good green and ethical energy broking advice
Ethical Investment
- Church Commissioners
- Pensions Board (Including their recent report on the fossil fuel industry)
- CCLA (including article on CCLA fund goes fossil fuel free)
Some very useful resources:
- Hope for the Future – for engaging with your politicians
- The most important thing you can do about climate change is talk about it – video by Katharine Hayhoe
- Katharine Hayhoe, a world leading climate communicator, on how to talk about climate
- Project DrawDown, an excellent overview of climate issues and workable climate solutions
- Climate Outreach “Communicating climate change in a crisis” – scroll down to find the video
- Has your council declared a climate emergency? Search the listings of climate emergency declarations here and find their climate plans here.
- Climate Outreach “how to have a climate change conversation”
- Video from 2020 Justice conference – Letter to my Grandchildren very moving, 6 minutes
Prayers and Worship
- Sustainable Preaching, ideas on how to preaching a sustainable message using the lectionary readings
- Prayers for World Environment Day
- Creationtide
- Prayers for the agricultural year
- Updated “All things Bright and Beautiful“:
- All creatures of our God & King set to music with lovely photos of mostly birds and some animals
Partners, networks, and useful organisations to know about
- Climate Stewards for carbon offsetting
- Historic England “Energy efficiency and historic buildings” (scroll for range of different guidance notes)
- Hope for the Future free training on lobbying
- Christian Aid campaign toolkit
- Green Christian
- Faith for the Climate
- Operation Noah
- Anglican Alliance
- Tearfund Re-boot campaign
Small group materials – e.g. Lent
- Tearfund Christianity & Climate Change – freecourse with videos by Katharine Hayhoe
- Operation Noah – Tenants of The King
- Ruth Valerio’s book – Saying yes to Life -Archbishops Lent 2020 book
- Lausanne Movement: Creation Care course part of their global classroom – excellent set of videos with world-leading experts and support materials for individuals or groups
Blogs to follow