Over the last year, we’ve been running a series of online events called, “The Watering Hole” where we’ve been hearing from and putting questions to various interesting individuals about Christianity, mental health, Coronavirus and other big questions. A playlist with all of the session so far is available here. The latest video is available to watch below.
Want to know more about Christianity or explore questions of faith, life and meaning? We have some resources we’d love to give you.

We have various resources we’d love to get into your hands for free if you are interested in the Christian faith. We have Beyond the Big C by Watering Hole interviewee Jeremy Marshall, Where is God in a Coronavirus World by Watering Hole interviewee John Lennox, and City Lives which is a collection of life stories of interesting individuals and their journeys of faith. We’d also love to give you a gospel, which is a book from the Bible telling an account of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, a great place to go to find out more!
Send us a message via our contact us form letting us know which book you’d like and your address and we’ll get it to you. You are also welcome to get in touch to ask questions, for help understanding the Bible or anything else. We’d love to here from you.